About the FCAC
The FCAC’s mission is to further and support the practice and enjoyment of the arts in the Fremont community. Learn more about our mission and activities.
This story about the Fremont Cultural Arts Council was first broadcast during the live Ohlone Tri-City News program on May 10, 2023. FCAC leaders were interviewed to provide an overview of FCAC activities, and to discuss the value the organization brings to our community.
Please call us at (510) 794-7166 to let us know of your club’s upcoming fundraisers, meetings, workshops, concerts, and other events.
Juried Photo Exhibit
The 30th Annual Juried Photography Exhibit for Fremont photographers will be held from Mar 29, 2025 to May 3, 2025. This year, the month of April is designated as ARTS, CULTURE & CREATIVITY MONTH and the Photography Exhibit will be held in conjunction with the celebration.
Entry deadline:
Midnight, Friday, February 28, 2025
View 2024 award winners. [above: 2024’s First Place Open Section winner, “Egg Laying Happening Soon” by May Chen]
Art in the Park
Arts and Crafts in Shinn Park
Ice Cream Social
Sunday July 21, 2024, 11 am – 4 pm
Come one, come all! Historic Shinn Park with its beautiful 1876 Shinn House and beautiful gardens is once again inviting you to enjoy this historic site and the Arts and Historic Crafts that will be displayed on the lawn.
Ice cream, sodas, and water can be purchased. Docents will provide tours of the 148-year-old Shinn house that last about 40 minutes.
Event details.
Flash Fiction Contest
Calling all writers! As part of celebrating April as Arts, Culture & Creativity month, participate in our April Flash Fiction Contest. Submit a story of 300 words or less on the theme “Love Makes the World Go ‘Round.” Award winners will be determined on Saturday, April 19 by attendees at Half Price Books, Fremont Hub. Submission deadline: April 14.
We were pleased to host another Flash Fiction Contest in September. Participants wrote on the theme “Frogs,” and award winners were determined on Saturday, September 28 by attendees at Half Price Books, Fremont Hub.
All Arts Summit & Youth Interns
The biennial Summit was most recently held November 2020. Representatives from Fremont’s arts organizations as well as several local artists attended a virtual networking event hosted and facilitated by the FCAC. Organized and produced by the FCAC interns, the approximately 40 attendees shared ideas on a variety of topics. During break-out discussions, attendees worked to problem-solve issues faced by their organizations, including managing during the pandemic.
FCAC’s interns are available to non-profit arts organizations to assist as volunteers. Learn more about participating in a future Summit or the Youth Internship Program.
Las Posadas
Las Posadas, a holiday tradition, has been produced by the FCAC and sponsored by the Old Mission San Jose in Fremont annually since 1982. Join us as we celebrate the advent season and more than 30 years of this tradition with performances by local musical artists for 9 nights beginning December 15. Co-sponsored with the Mission San Jose Chamber of Commerce.
Always free – this year’s event is virtual with a variety of performances donated by local artists especially for the event.